Machiventa - "Spirit Child of the Living God"


*            My friends, I am Machiventa Melchizedek, here tonight to share with you in the spirit of our Father Michael.  We recognize there are questions about how we are proceeding to minister on your world, our world, and how it relates to the various difficulties you grapple with as you try to bring your consciousness of spirit forward in a way that might be most effective based upon your leadings.  Far be it for me to tell you what you must do to be in service to our Father and to our universe.  I would not presume to identify and delineate what your purpose is in relationship to the spirit of God within you, who can most effectively lead you in the discovery and implementation of your purpose. 


I am a guidepost, here to provide illumination and the implementation of the patterns and procedures that will ultimately have this world embark on a course toward realignment and correction that places it squarely in the center of Michael’s will, the will of our Father in Paradise.  How your purposes coincide with ours, is the question you must answer for yourself.  To what degree are you an individual seeking enlightenment and the daily manifestation of that enlightenment in your life in whatever channels are most effective and obvious, and to what degree do you see your purpose aligning with our purposes to be about our Father’s business in a way that comprehends this individuality of purpose and this collective purpose to bring about a shifting of perspective that aligns more in favor with the mission of Michael that transcends his function as the human Jesus in the minds of many, and takes on the mantle of his universal function as Creator Son and the guiding force that will shift all things into alignment with his Father. 


It is true, you will deal with difficult circumstances and heartbreaking stories, people in despair and distress, and this may cause you to question, at times, whether things can actually get better.  But ask yourselves what purpose you have if it is not to take that truth, beauty and goodness you have foreseen and been witness to and illuminated by, and utilize that in a way that can bring hope, perspective and opportunity for minds to turn toward the light, to turn toward our Father and toward the idea that there is a place, there is a reality that transcends the limitations of this dysfunctional sphere.  It is true, you are in a quagmire of material difficulties, and yet in an instant can transcend that quagmire to be a spirit child of the living God, manifesting and producing great visions of what is possible when one recognizes their place in the universe, not simply their place on a darkened world. 


Tell me if it isn’t true, that once you realized that you are part of something larger, and that you are part of a universe of loving caring creatures desiring your edification and awareness of the plans of our Father, if this realization didn’t make all other things bearable.  It does not end the difficulties, but if you would desire to be a minister of Michael and thereby serve as an agent of the planetary administration, then take it upon yourselves to trust that you are able to provide uplift and opportunity on a spiritual level.  When you doubt, recognize once again, that for every act of indecency and inhumanity there are counteracting realities in great number and potential, providing acts of decency and humanity, compassion and caring, and in an instant, as you accept this awareness for yourself, you too become one of those elements providing an alternative to the darkness and despair that you witness around you. 


There is beauty and goodness in the world.  There are people in every place doing miraculous things, showing kindness and compassion, providing uplift and understanding.  Truly there is more good than evil in your world, not merely in potential, but in reality.  The great challenge is how to incorporate your awareness into your mortal living in such a way that you can provide a point of light on the map, another white spot to counteract the dark, the black, and to serve and act in such a way that your places expand by your illumination outward, to your fellows. 


Even as I beckon you to this, I still realize the greatest success in this endeavor occurs when you are in awareness with your indwelling spirit and acting in a way consistent with your recognition of your purpose.  As it coincides with us on a larger global level, we welcome, encourage you and accept you as part of this planetary mission of uplift, not merely as a nebulous, “everyone can do good” and “every act feeds the whole” sort of manner, but also in specificity, for we are in relationship, if you choose.  As Michael beckoned those closest to him to join him and serve in an apostolic function, it is no less true in this day and age that we desire to have such personalities functioning with us, the physical hands and feet and minds and bodies to serve as agents of a higher cause, and we will not stop in our efforts to provide vision for how we can implement these processes and procedures we allude to which will create the patterns that lead toward the eventual light and life that you seek. 


Ponder this, my friends.  Ponder what it means to be an individual in relationship to God and to be a part of a specific plan of action related to providing vision and opportunity on a planetary level.  I look forward to communicating with you again soon.