* Michael: I greet you tonight from a place of spiritual residence, both within and among you and about throughout my universe. I am Michael. I feel that tonight is a good time to engage with you to share regarding our enthusiasm for the patterns developing on this world. I know you see chaos at times, and stubborn willful acts of selfishness, but our view recognizes these as minor blips in the energy of the overall path toward progress, and a little bit like the gnashing of teeth and wailing, fighting against change, wanting to maintain control and have a sense of ownership. But the wave suggests otherwise, that there is a spreading desire for equality of opportunity, for ensuring justice can prevail, and that the “have nots” are not left behind as the map of the future unfolds.
Yes, there are challenges. There will be struggle and strife as these issues are ironed out, but I would hope that you could let go of the anxiety and the fear that the tipping point is toward the dark instead of the light. I hope that those who know me, both on the surface and within to what I am about, can rest easy in the knowledge that I will not let your world - my world - fail.
As my ambassadors, I encourage you to speak of the good things in life, to talk about higher values and to replace despair with encouragement. Seek me within and your outer life will shine, for I will embolden you. I will strengthen you to recognize that the course of positivity will always impress more than mere commiserating and expressions of fear and failure. While you may not see yet how it all fits together, join me in the endeavor. Let your light blossom within as a result of your connection to me and our Father and the vast ministry available as an ever present recognition that the family of light is here and is encouraging you forward in your progress.